Goto Function In Dev C++

Posted By admin On 18.04.20
Goto Function In Dev C++ Rating: 3,6/5 1037 votes
< cpp‎ language
Standard Library Headers
Freestanding and hosted implementations
Named requirements
Language support library
Concepts library(C++20)
Diagnostics library
Utilities library
Strings library
Containers library
Iterators library
Ranges library(C++20)
Algorithms library
Numerics library
Input/output library
Localizations library
Regular expressions library(C++11)
Atomic operations library(C++11)
Thread support library(C++11)
Filesystem library(C++17)
Technical Specifications

Goto identifier; Remarks. The labeled statement designated by identifier must be in the current function. All identifier names are members of an internal namespace and therefore do not interfere with other identifiers. A statement label is meaningful only to a goto statement; otherwise, statement labels are ignored. Labels cannot be redeclared.

The goto statement gives power to jump to any part of program but, makes the logic of the program complex and tangled. In modern programming, goto statement is considered a harmful construct and a bad programming practice. The goto statement can be replaced in most of C program with the use of break and continue statements. C Jump Statements (return, goto, break, continue) and exit function Tutorial - The jump statements unconditionally transfer program control within a function. C has four statements that perform an unconditional branch - return, goto, break, and continue. Apr 21, 2012  whitenite1 (1717) Pretty much the same as using it in MS Visual C Express, except you don't need using namespace Sysyem. Here's a small demo of using the command gotoXY in Dev-CPP v5.2.0.0, that compiles and runs.

label : statement
Expression statements
expression ;
Compound statements
{ statement.. }
Selection statements
Iteration statements
range for(C++11)
Jump statements
Declaration statements
declaration ;
Try blocks
try compound-statementhandler-sequence
Transactional memory
synchronized, atomic_commit, etc(TM TS)

Goto In Cpp

Transfers control to one of the several statements, depending on the value of a condition.

Goto Function In Dev C++


attr(optional)switch(condition)statement(until C++17)
attr(optional)switch(init-statement(optional)condition)statement(since C++17)
attr(C++11) - any number of attributes
condition - any expression of integral or enumeration type, or of a class type contextually implicitly convertible to an integral or enumeration type, or a declaration of a single non-array variable of such type with a brace-or-equals initializer.
init-statement(C++17) - either
  • an expression statement (which may be a null statement ';')
  • a simple declaration, typically a declaration of a variable with initializer, but it may declare arbitrarily many variables or structured bindings
Note that any init-statement must end with a semicolon ;, which is why it is often described informally as an expression or a declaration followed by a semicolon.
statement - any statement (typically a compound statement). case: and default: labels are permitted in statement and break; statement has special meaning.
attr(optional)caseconstant_expression:statement (1)
attr(optional)default:statement (2)
constant_expression - a constant expression of the same type as the type of condition after conversions and integral promotions


The body of a switch statement may have an arbitrary number of case: labels, as long as the values of all constant_expressions are unique (after conversions/promotions). At most one default: label may be present (although nested switch statements may use their own default: labels or have case: labels whose constants are identical to the ones used in the enclosing switch)

If condition evaluates to the value that is equal to the value of one of constant_expressions, then control is transferred to the statement that is labeled with that constant_expression.

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If condition evaluates to the value that doesn't match any of the case: labels, and the default: label is present, control is transferred to the statement labeled with the default: label.

The break statement, when encountered in statement exits the switch statement:

How To Use Goto In Dev C++

Compilers may issue warnings on fallthrough (reaching the next case label without a break) unless the attribute [[fallthrough]] appears immediately before the case label to indicate that the fallthrough is intentional.

If init-statement is used, the switch statement is equivalent to



Except that names declared by the init-statement (if init-statement is a declaration) and names declared by condition (if condition is a declaration) are in the same scope, which is also the scope of statement.

(since C++17)

Because transfer of control is not permitted to enter the scope of a variable, if a declaration statement is encountered inside the statement, it has to be scoped in its own compound statement:



Goto Function In Dev C 2017


The following code shows several usage cases of the switch statement


[edit]See also

Powershell Goto Function

C documentation for switch

How To Use Goto Function In C++

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